Tuesday 11 August 2015


Treating ejaculation problems
Premature ejaculation can be treated with medication, such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) type of antidepressant, which can help delay ejaculating.
Couples therapy, a form of counselling, can be useful in coming up with techniques for partners to practice to help delay ejaculation.
Recommended treatments for delayed ejaculation depend on the underlying cause. If it is thought to be a side effect of medication, switching to an alternative medication will help. However, if the cause is thought to be psychological, counselling may be recommended.
Most men do not require treatment for retrograde ejaculation because they are still able to enjoy a healthy sex life and the condition does not affect their health. In some cases, medication may be used to help restore normal ejaculation.
However, if you want to have children, you may need fertility treatment to extract a sample of sperm.
Read more about treating ejaculation problems.
What causes ejaculation problems?
Ejaculation problems are complex and can be caused by a number of things, including:
relationship problems
anxiety – such as a man being anxious that he will lose his erection (erectile dysfunction), causing him to ‘rush’ the intercourse
previous traumatic sexual experiences
some medical conditions or medicines – for example, diabetes can cause delayed ejaculation
Some researchers think certain men are more prone to premature ejaculation because of their biological make-up, such as having an unusually sensitive penis.
Retrograde ejaculation is caused by damage to nerves or muscles that surround the neck of the bladder (the point where the urethra connects to the bladder). This damage can often occur as a complication of prostate or bladder surgery.
Read more about the causes of ejaculation problems. http://www.arabporn.co/